In every great story, there is an objective for the main character to complete. A miss, if you will, that he must complete before the end of the story. If they don't pursue, and complete, this objective, the story cannot be complete. In my time here in China, I have begun to realize what my objective is. But before I get to it, here's a few stories that set it up:
Last Thursday, I was coming home from basketball and had to run to make the bus I needed to get home. When I got on and sat down, several nationals were chuckling at my run to get there and how out of breath I was at that point. They were trying to talk to me but I had no idea what they were saying. All I could say was "Tingbudong," which means I don't know. I felt bad, but eventually managed to see by their motions and pointing that they were asking if I taught at the school, to which I happily shook my head yes. A little bit later, I saw them making some comments and looking at my shoes. I laughed knowing what they were talking about. For those who don't know, I wear a size 17 men's shoe. I lifted my foot up to let them match theirs against mine, and there were definitely laughs all around! It was so simple, and yet I had made a connection with these four people that I didn't know or know how to talk to.
I have a favorite stand in the Market. They take small strips of chicken and fry them, and then season them, and are so good! Each time I go now, she smiles and waits for me to motion with my hand how much I want and then goes about making it. The astounding part, though, is now she is starting to teach me some basic chinese terms for things. As I point to things and say "Jigga....." which means "this," she teaches me a word. We never spend a significant amount of time doing this, but its developing a connection once again.
I say all of this because I am realizing what my objective is in life. I'm not sure how many people reading this know who Mark Hall is. He is the lead singer for Casting Crowns and, last year, he wrote a song called "Until the Whole World Hears." The song expresses his desire to take Dad's Word to everyone everywhere, and how it is an endless pursuit. About how we need to see the world through Dad's eyes. And how we will continue to sing until the entire world hears. Mark Hall came up with this song because of emails he received from a close friend. Each time this friend would email Hall, the friend signed it Until the Whole World Hears. In hearing this story, and listening to the song again, this is the cry of my heart. I want to do whatever I can to help the whole world hear His name and know the truth. So I will continue to make connections, develop relationships, and be the voice to help the whole world hear. I'll still be documenting stories and sharing experiences, but let's call this chapter the realization of my life's objective.
Until the whole world hears...
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